"We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be
weaving. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as
we keep believing." -Louisa May Alcott
is merely about my dream to become a flight attendant. Being a cabin crew or
flight attendant or stewardess or whatever you named it, is my dream. I have
been craving it since I was a little girl. It started simply because I’d like to
travel the globe. It is amazed me how do people manage to just stay at one
place (read: country) for the whole of his/her life and just travel for holiday
(well they even pay a lot of money to do so). And so be it…
"Without dreams, there can be no courage. And without courage, there can be no action."
- Wim Wenders
it comes (fight no.2), my dad was really happy that I got the chance to get the
scholarship. He told me that it would be really great deal help for him
(financially, coz he also need to pay my little brother’s tuition fee at the
same time) and he really wants me to take the opportunity. The problem is: if I
am taking it, I have to be bound in the contract with the school. And also it
doesn’t offer me the major that I really craved for – HOSPITALITY. (yep, I
haven’t changed my dream to travel the world, but I know that I can’t become a
flight attendant with my plump appearance). So, I decided to refuse the
opportunity and of course daddy disappointed.

enrolled to this university that has hospitality major, it’s might be not the
best, but it certainly the most possible and comfortable place to study for me
(and it cost a lot of money). Then, as you could guess already, daddy won’t
happy (fight no.3). He asked me to enroll to another university that cost less
and based on his opinion, hospitality has no future, so he wants me to enter
another faculty that is more “normal” and “common”. HA-HA..can he win over me?
NO! I stand for what I want. (egoistic, very much yes. But I never regret it
until now). I enrolled myself to Pelita Harapan School of Hospitality and
Tourism on 2007 majoring in Hospitality Management. During my four years study
there, I discovered many things: friendship value, betrayal, love, school
stuff, colleagues, conflicts, and also live value. It was just another phase of
my life. And guess what??? I shaved up 26 kgs of my body weight and get in
shape in just a year time (2008). NOW, it seems flight attendant door has been
open for me. The light is on, let’s bring it on.
I forgot, I never share anything about my dream to become a flight attendant to
anyone yet at that time. It’s more because, I don’t want any body to expect too
much from me, and I also want to prove to my dad that my decision over the
multifights with him is worth it, that the path that I chose is destined for me
and my future, that I won’t regret in the end.
are a LOT of side story about my uni life,,but I think it would come later on…)
“Never let go of your dreams,
believe it, pursue it, give every bit of your efforts to make it come true..and
soon you’ll be walking towards it confidently” - Me.
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