Ep. 3
was a quote that says “Road to success is always under construction”. I do believe in that phrase. As I
put my name in Emirates mailing list, on 27 March 2010 (my sixth semester),
Emirates sent me an invitation to attend their recruitment in Indonesia.
Unfortunately, I’m still hesitating to go. I still have my study and my
responsibility to finish my study (remembering what daddy has gone through to
put me in that school). So, with a broken heart, I didn’t attend the
recruitment. And yes, I regret it, for since then, Emirates haven’t come to
hold any recruitment in Indonesia yet again.
I guess God has another plan for my life. Another better, greater, and even
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. " -Walt Disney
the date of 4th December. 2010, I tried my luck to attend the walk
in interview of Singapore Airline. Although it was stated clearly that they
required any applicant to have their degree certification (I was on my 7th
semester, and of course I don’t have my bachelor certificate yet), I came. And
that was the first time I got my shock. Many pretty girls, smart looking, great
appearance, and yet SAME dream. We are (no doubt) each other’s contender. And
that is the point where I realize that to become a flight attendant is
everybody’s dream job as well, that’s not only my desire. The moment before I
entered the room, I was praying to God (it become my signature same prayer that
I always asked to God). “God, if this is for me and destined to be mine, please
put me through all of the process, but if it isn’t, please failed me on the
initial process so that I won’t expect so too much on this”. (God Lord Jesus is
always GOOD to me, as for me, He always answer my prayers in his own way). As
expected, I failed the recruitment in just a few steps, within a few hours. I
was a little bit hurt, but at least God gave me the answer.
knowing it was me that we are talking about, one failure doesn’t stop me to get
my dream. On 19th April, 2011, another Singapore Airline recruitment
was held. This time, I was less nervous than before. I came to the same venue
as on December, waited, pray (the same prayer ever), got to the registration
table, weighted, measured, BMI calculation, waited, introducing ourselves (10
person at a time and only 4-5 will proceed), group discussion, and if you’re
successful, you’ll have to come the day after to proceed the recruitment
process. And AGAIN, I was failed, I do really think that my to be achieved
bachelor degree certificate is a real big deal for them. So be it, rejected,
gone home, and surprisingly, I was not that “down”. (God worked on it that

“ Don’t ever give up on what you
really really want, success doesn’t mean that u have never failed, it’s the
matter how you get up in every failure. Keep on believing and have faith
within.” -Me
Wow! love this blog <3
ReplyDeleten love this quote: "Don’t ever give up on what you really really want, success doesn’t mean that u have never failed, it’s the matter how you get up in every failure. Keep on believing and have faith within.”
Inspiring :)
Hi Citra, firts of all, thanks for visiting :) hope you like it. i was just started to write this blog, i am far from expert...still raw..so,,any suggestion..please tell me yah :)))
DeleteWaaa makasi yah sarannya..iya lg rajin bloggibg..tp lg duty hr ini d ams jadi gak bawa laptop..haha..anyway..ak kn masi amatir bgt nih..mo tanyaa..gimana cr ny psg jump break??? Ak juga mau..tp gak tau himn caranya..huikzzz...kl soal bahasa..nanti cobad bikin translatan nya..huhuhu..so teach me how to make a jump break yah?? Pleaseeeee...will visit ur blog soon.. Thank you darling
Deletesaran aja yak napa ga pake bilingual? awalnya q pikir blogger Malaysia abisnya english smua, mang sih pake english lebih luas tapi untuk pengalaman yg bermanfaat n inspiratif kayak tulisan kamu layak juga dibagiin ma temen2 seindonesia :P oia kupikir kamu bloggingnya lagi semangat2nya, pas balik sini udah banyak postingan baru :D oia saran lagi yak buat tiap postingannya pakein jump break biar tinggal di read more aja, jadi tulisannya ga kepanjangan, oia sama blognya didesain dikit ma yang sesuai ma tema tulisannya, btw foto2ya keren, hmmmm kalo sempat mampir sini yak http://theuncensoredconfessionofsillydramaqu.blogspot.com, kalo minat sama yg berbau fiksi romantis remaja, tipe2 tulisan dari chicklit menuju teenlit, hehehe, btw happy blogging :D